ARTICLE: Meg Theron - Jaspers Jottings


Meg Theron: A Breath of Fresh Hip Hop.

Having released her first track in 2019 titled ‘Takeflight’, Meg Theron has already solidified a unique sound for herself in the Wellington Hip Hop scene, releasing ten tracks to date. Her latest single ‘Oceans’ layers an indie guitar sound over her honest and minimal production, which has become a distinguishable theme across her works.

Since the first time I listened to Meg Theron, I was blown away with the maturity in her sound. Drawing from artists like Mac Miller, MGK, and Drake, her lyrics sit on top of the mix, close to your ears, bringing you the raw emotion in her voice and writing. This is perfectly complemented with some of the most content and intentional instrumental production I have heard in years. Her work personally brings me back to the mid-2000s where pop music had thinner sound and more emphasis on the songwriting.

Having written since the age of nine, Meg has always been surrounded by music. Be it dancing or singing with her mum, Meg has always found ways to be creative growing up. Becoming a teenager, she realized the power behind music and how her creativity can benefit others in the same way other artists inspired her. Lately, a lot of Meg's inspiration has come from a place of faith. In talking about her creativity, she says “writing is a way I process… so my experiences and growth within my faith are constantly inspiring me to write. Ephesians 2:10 says `For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” I can hear this in her music as it comes from a place of humbleness. For Meg, her music is His music. Detaching herself from the credit, she keeps a grounded and modest perspective with her faith in music and solidifies a strong foundation for her career. “I feel part of my purpose is to share my story through my music to help others. A lot of the time when I’m being creative (especially when I get a really great idea) it’s because God gives me that gift.”

Megs Theron's honesty comes through with her onstage persona as well. While there are some ‘Characters’ in her songs, “they’re enhancing a small part of me to become the whole part of THAT song”. Meg says she's pretty similar to herself when she gets on stage but like any performer, the stage unlocks a part of her you don't get to see anywhere else.

“Aesthetic wise - lets just say I’m learning not to wear black all the time!”

Her next show is the highly anticipated ‘Mayhem at the MOON’ on the 6th of May. This is THE showcase for upcoming Hip Hop artists and I am personally picking Meg to blow this one out of the park.

In an age of endless layers and sensory overload in some music, Megs songs are honest and humble. The prowess comes through her writing in buckets leaving the track to act as accompaniment, not a crutch. This, in my opinion, is the definition of good songwriting and I cannot wait to see where it takes her.

Written by Jasper West