About Us
The epic tale of Something Something, or So-So, dates back to pre-COVID times in early 2018 where a bunch of Massey students decided they wanted to put on something (something?) special. This would lead them to organise a party showcasing up and coming acts on the Massey campus in multiple rooms, aptly named The Massey Multi-Room Party. It was a resounding success that not only showed off local talent but also the new Massey music buildings and gear they now had at their disposal. With a fire lit under the students they put together a NPR tiny-desk inspired catalogue of videos amongst other things. By the end of the year Something Something had proven itself to be a dedicated student-led creative industry organisation, providing a platform for emerging creative personalities.
2019 Multi-Room Festival poster
Now part of the curriculum, the returning 2019’s So-So would capitalise on the success of the previous year by organising a festival with eight acts on three stages over one great night as they promised to do “orientation the right way”. This too was aptly named, Multi-Room Festival II. However, this would be only the start as over the course of the year they managed to stage 12 live events including mini-festivals and club nights. While gaining media attention from outlets such as Radio NZ, NZ Herald, The Spinoff, Radio Active and elsewhere, they also facilitated many industry networking opportunities and connections; Going Local seminars & showcases, Exposure industry networking sessions, NZ Music Month Quiz and others. Overall, 2019 proved to be a busy and unstoppable year for So-So that cemented its purpose and provided an ideal exemplar moving forward.
2020’s So-So started hot with another multi-room festival for O-Week, somewhat aptly named, “Oh, Hello! Something Something O-Week Mini Festy”. Before much else could be achieved however, the momentum of the years passed understandably slowed down as the world felt the effects of the COVID-19 outbreak and New Zealand went into a lockdown with all tours and gigs being cancelled. Although So-So proved that it’ll take a lot more than that to stop them and before long, they were back with Bubble Bop, a competition that turned the lockdown into a positive opportunity for all musicians who participated as Tiare Kelly would cover with RNZ (article here). "The kaupapa of Bubble Bop is to encourage young aspiring musicians to give writing and composing a go. If they can do it during a pandemic, then they're capable of anything”. As we’ve come to expect, Bubble Bop was a huge success and although nobody could have expected such a challenging year, So-So came out of the abyss that was 2020 reborn.
2021 carried on the unfortunate difficulties from the previous year with many COVID related restrictions that lead to a plethora of zoom calls and a very difficult landscape for a dedicated student-led creative industry organisation to organise anything without the possibility that it may get cancelled. With all this is mind, 2021’s So-So team still managed to curate a stage at CubaDupa, put on shows at Valhalla and on campus as well as hosting open mic nights and low-key hang sessions. Being able to still thrive under such conditions is a testament to So-So.
With a mixture of experience through massive wins and equally massive challenges over the last 4 years, SoSo is in an optimal position to lead the pack as the world opens back up to post-COVID times.
Something Something is continuing to showcase the best of Massey and Aotearoa music.