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‘Major Hassle’ - OddJive

OddJive's 'Major Hassle,' a terrific single off their new album 'Hell Yeah Nah!,' is a gem of an opening song, a fast-paced, crackling track with a slick chorus and superb harmonies. You can definitely hear that Oddjive are having the time of their lives pouring good energy into the song, what’s not to love?

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‘Exothermic’ - HUMMUCIDE

Starting with beautiful piano, ‘Exothermic’ by HUMMUCIDE fizzles and grooves for all its duration. Feeling like a build up of jazz-based pressure, it releases sprawling synths and interludes with a lovely bit of guitar improvisation by Luca Sturny. We are pretty stoked to see them hanging in the Spotify jazz playlists with some big names. Keep an eye on these talented four.

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  • IG: @hummucidemusic

  • FB: @hummucide

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‘Anyone’ - Meg Theron

This short and bittersweet song opens with cutesy, soft ukulele and nostalgic vinyl crackles, before the chorus introduces heart-wrenching synths. Meg really gets you feeling like it’s 2am and you’re lying in bed, staring at the ceiling, thinking about that one person you want more than anyone else.

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‘In The Moment’ - RIIKI

Pōneke rising star RIIKI released her new track ‘In The Moment’ in the midst of her ‘Lil NZ Tour’ supported by Eli Superflyy. The track is a departure from her previous releases, delving into an RnB style of pop. The emptiness of the track and the lonely lyrics capture how down and isolated she felt when she wrote the song while travelling in LA last year. ‘In The Moment’ starts slow then builds with an explosion of angelic vocals and synth in the chorus, before settling back down for the tranquil verses and bridge. If you’re feeling kinda stuck and need to feel less alone, this is the song for you.

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  • IG: @riikimusiic

  • FB: @riikimusiic

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‘Here Comes Haggy’ - Bad Hagrid

A sick blend of tempos, monster mash energy & chaos real exemplify Bad Hagrid’s latest single, ‘Here Comes Haggy’. With crazy synths that only get more manic as the songs goes on and the swampy bassline, this tune goes hard from start to finish and has something for everyone (the single art even has a Shining reference!). Haggy is here and he reigns supreme.

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  • IG: @badhagrid

  • FB: @badhagrid

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‘Tuning Out’ - Revulva

Starting with some chill sax, Revulva’s ‘Tuning Out’ is a chill jam about being in your own world & shutting out the negativity. A beautifully mixed song, the 8-piece band feels so collected and at peace on the song it’s hard not to tune out and feel the bliss yourself.

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‘Origami’ - ZÖ

Zo’s ‘Origami’ is a joy to hear unfold. With emotionally powerful vocals in front of a collection of frantic and scattering synths, claps and stomps, ‘Origami’ is an enlightening song which feels melancholic and uplifting in the same 3 minute period.

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‘Ain’t No Fantasy’ - Keith Aaron

Keith Aaron is vibing hard. With minimal production of warm synths & finger snaps, ‘Ain’t No Fantasy’ is a bop where Keith shines rapping & singing about how dedicated & lucky he is to have the one. He’s definitely been in his bag, and this love jam is tailor-made for your playlists.

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‘Nicotine’ - Harris

With some dry vocals and strumming guitar quickly melting into some synths, ‘Nicotine’ by Harris feels like looking down at your pack & realising it’s empty. Whilst at a runtime of 2 minutes the song feels like it should be played on loop, and is addictive as the namesake chemical.

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  • IG: @harrisyesplease

  • FB: @harrisyesplease

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‘Head Over Heels’ - Rose Lubransky & BushJungle

Over some clean BushJungle production, Rose Lubransky grooves over her new single ‘Head Over Heels,’ singing about how happy she is being in love with someone. Reminiscing the happy moments & wishing for more is relatable as hell and I hope everyone has someone they think of when they hear this song!

  • Spotify

  • IG: @rose_lubransky

  • FB: @roseLmusic

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‘Cheap Ecstasy’ - Tarn PK

An ethereal, smooth song with crisp vocals that come alive in your ears, Tarn PK’s ‘Cheap Ecstasy’ gives us butterflies in our stomachs (which is fitting as this single is part of a collection of songs called ‘Monarch’). The combination of the pitter patter of hi-hats grooving alongside tasteful synths is a force to be reckoned with. A powerful performance from a talented artist.

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