INTERVIEW: Cam MacLean On New Horizon


Wellington’s Cam MacLean recently released his debut single New Horizon. We caught up with him to learn more about the new track.

When did you first get into music and what inspired you to get into it in the first place? 

The first musical moment I remember was when my Mum taught me the recorder aged 7 or 8. I’ve been surrounded by music since I was a youngster. My Dad is a jazz pianist and Mum, a flutist. I think what inspired me to do music was a chain of musical events I pursued over the years. Barbershop in College, piano, drums and guitar lessons, busking outside The Warehouse. The fact that I never had any dull moments when music was around gravitated me towards it.

At what point did music stop being just a hobby and you decided it was something you wanted to pursue a career in?

Three years ago when I finished high school. It was at the time where the main question was something like “What are you going to do with your life?” I didn’t enjoy math, I couldn’t understand algebra, but I liked being creative so I figured I’d give it a shot.   

How does it feel to have released New Horizon as your debut single and how long has this release been in the works for?

Honestly it feels so liberating. My first musical child is free to roam the universe. The first ideas of New Horizon sparked around this time last year in my garage jamming on my acoustic guitar. 

How have you hoped New Horizon would impact your listeners? Was there a particular emotive response you were hoping to evoke?

I want New Horizon to evoke nostalgia. To teleport listeners to a time of radiance. To relive their fondest memories.

How has your background and where you grew up impacted your music?

My hometown has an aura of vibrant energy. I feel most comfortable writing music here. When I write tunes here I can fully let myself go, reflect on past experiences and grow.

What was it like working with Nigel Patterson, from The Black Seeds, on this song?

That’s my uncle right there!! It felt like I was hanging out with him more than I was working with him most of the time; but productive hang out sessions. We chatted about music over coffee for hours. I would sponge up all of the knowledge and advice he gave me. Nevertheless, we had more than a few late nights at his house exploring sonic dimensions. Lots of fun working with Nigel.

What else have you got planned moving forward? What was the inspiration behind any future releases you’re willing to talk about at this point?

My plan moving forward is to put myself in a position where I can keep releasing music. I’ve finished uni for good now so I should probably get a day job as a side hustle haha. My next single expresses how alienating yourself can be a good thing to learn who you truly are.  

Have you got any live performances coming up where people can come hear you play New Horizon and any other future releases?

On the 18th of December me and my good friend (not cousin) Will McClean are putting on a show at Valhalla! Come through! 

Anything else you want to talk about or plug?

If you're reading this and you make music and like my vibe, get into my dm’s I love collaborating. 

Check out Cam’s new single New Horizon here: