Thanks for taking part in Bubble Bop! You have 24hours to Remix a Bopper that will impress Sachi.

To make sure everyone plays fair and doesn’t just recycle an undiscovered masterpiece, all entries in the remix category must:

  • Use material from at least four of these stems.

  • Include the chorus ‘too many things on my fucking mind’ somewhere we can recognize it (don’t flip it or reverse it)

  • Be 2-3 minutes long (nothing less, nothing more)

  • Sound like it wouldn’t be out of place in this playlist

  • Be mixed down to a stereo 24Bit, 44.1kHz .aiff or .wav file, named RemixYourname (so if you said your name is Jess on your entry form it’d be RemixJess.aiff or RemixJess.wav)

  • Be uploaded to our website by 12pm Sunday the 14th of June as a 24Bit, 44.1kHz .aiff or .wav file

If you don’t do these things, your entry won’t be considered. Sadface.


You only have 24 hours! 

Have Fun!